Innovative system for engines power measurment and diagnostic of the major performance characteristics
Fast. Precise. Feasible.
You can download the manual for the RedPulse Standard measurment unit
Power/ Output - is the key indicator of the engines capacity and overall technical conditions. By measuring the output you can log the whole massive of the diagnostic parameters
Some cases when we need to measure the output?
  • Diagnostics of the separate vehicle or a transport park/ custom vehicles park
    Regular output measurement in the process of industrial fleet management.
    Diagnostics of personal vehicle engines at service stations, service centers and vehicle workshops
  • Verification of the facts during the legal cases
    Disputes between business entities, for example, a service company and an operating enterprise
  • Power measurement during retrofit or engine tuning
    Power measurement before and after chip tuning. The reaction to the replacement of spart plugs, engine settings adjustment, fuel change, etc.
RedPulse completely replaces the functionality of dynamic load stands
Similar to dynamic load stands - which are quite bulky and rather expensive - RedSystems allows not only to measure the actual engine power, but also to obtain a dynamic speed characteristics (curve), which gives a clear idea of the trends in the technical condition of the power unit
Thus RedPulse allows you to monitor the current conditions of the engine, and also gives an idea of the dynamics of the changes in the technical condition of the power unit.
The use of the RedPulse diagnostic system allows you to effectively manage the operation of the engine and avoid the following situations:
  • Unexpected failures - costs up to 20%
  • Remote service - long repair time (weeks or even months)
  • Fuel overconsumption - loss from 5 to 15%
RedPulse hardware and software system:

- More precisely than analogues
- Faster than analogues
- Does not require decommissioning
- Does not require bench tests or vehicle acceleration
- Exactly repeats the functionality of bench tests at a 10-15 times lower costs

RedPulse is the development of the Russian R&D team incorporated under scientific and production company RedSystems LLC, which is focused on the research of the physical and technical properties of engines and power plants of various types.

All intellectual property is protected by patents.

Workability of the RedPulse technology has been confirmed by the tests at industrial and commercial facilities over the past 3 years.
For whom?
  • For all who want to monitor the health of the own vehicle engine
    How the engine reacts to the change of fuel, replacement of candles, setting in the service center and other possible measures
  • Service centers / service stations / tuning studio
    Expansion of the list of services provided
  • Industrial enterprises
    Efficient fleet and vehicle management
  • Transport and logistic companies
    Control of operating expenses in the operation of vehicles
Is it interesting? Let's discuss your case!
8 966 1229447

8 903 9977555

EU Representative: Slovenia, Ljubljana (contacts on request)
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